Beer: yucks.
- Birthday: 12th April.
- Best Friend: >>>>>>>>
- Body Part on opposite sex: skin.
- Best feeling in the world: having periods.
- Blind or Deaf: deaf.
- Best weather: no rain no shine
- Been in Love: NOPE.
- Been on stage : yup.
- Believe in Magic: yup?
- Believe in Santa: yes.
- Candy: see my mood.
- Color: red brown grey white
- Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate DARK.
- Chinese/Mexican Food: mexican.
- Cake or pie: BOTH <3
- Continent to visit: center of the earth Ecuador! & holy city Jerusalem!
- Cheese: depends.
- Crush: on and off AIYA IDK LA.
- Day or Night: NIGHT
- Dancing in the rain: NO WAY hate dancing hate raining
- Daydream: DAILY
- Eye colour: black ah brown ah dk la
- Everyone’s got: shit.
- Ever failed a class?: regularly
- First thoughts waking up: "gonna pee"
- Food: salmon! oat! yoghurt! and aloooooootttttttt I LOVE TO EAT
- Greatest Fear: that 'thing' when i looked into the mirror without makeup
- Goals: Get a freaking driving license and scholarship for my course.
- Gum: Hate it.
- Get along with your parents?: SUPER
Hair Color: dyed.
- Height: 154cm
- Happy: when i had my first cramps
- Holiday: LOVE IT.
- How do you want to die: any as long as i feel the pain
- Ice Cream: CARAMEL
- Instrument: -
- Jewellery: not interested yet.
- Job: pursuing
- Kids: angmoh kids sb cute walauuuuuuu
- Kickboxing or karate: Karate.
- Keep a journal: -
- Love: is bullshit.
- Letter: love it hand written.
- Laughed so hard you cried: i dont think so.
- Milk flavour: original.
- Movies: A LOT
- Motion sickness?: not really
- McD’s or BK: McD'.
- Number: -
- Nickname: -
- One wish: im gonna make it happen myself.
- Only child: nope.
- Perfect Pizza: idk i just eat.
- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi.
- Paranoia: often when im alone
- Piercings: 7 not closed
- Quail: -
- Reason to cry: when i cared.
- Reality TV: -
- Radio Station: -
- Roll your tongue in a circle: yep.
- Ring size: my future husband knows.
- Song: lazy type out
- Shoe size: 37-38
- Salad Dressing: thousand island
- Sushi: loved it.
- Skinny dipped?: ?
- Strawberries/Blueberries: blueberries.
- STARBUCKS!!!!!! <3(imma coffee person)
- Tattoos?: fancied.
- Time for bed: ungodly hours
- Thunderstorms: stay at home.
- Vacation spot(s): wherever
- Vegetable: imma vege person.
- Weakness: A LOT on physically.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: nope. they are all crazy. >>>>>
- Who makes you laugh the most: >>>>>>
- Worst feeling: when my attitude acts up again and hurted ppl
- Wanted to be a model: no.
- Worst Weather?: SUNNY & RAINY
- X-Rays: nope?
- Year it is now: 2012
- Yellow: depends.
- Zoo animal: LION
- Zodiac: Aries.
Taken from
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